This philosophy forms the basis of our task because it has brought us together. Many deals, mergers, or projects fail due to a lack of communication as well as an understanding on both sides. Not only business parameters determine the long-term success of collaborations, but also cultural differences and the lack of insight that influence important decisions even unnoticed.
As young entrepreneurs, we have set ourselves the goal of building bridges between countries and companies, both nationally and throughout Europe, as well as exploiting the full potential of cooperation. We have been able to collect major experiences during our careers with large companies in Germany and Turkey through cross-border projects. We think outside the box and keep an eye on the big picture – both in terms of business and culture.
The future is better when we are better prepared. We started designing and developing our business matching concept with this in mind. It is our passion to enable our partners to find new ways, ideas, and innovations as well as open the gates to new partnerships.